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Peterson Cultural Style Indicator™ (PCSI):
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Evaluation copies: The PCSI is a product, like a textbook, and not available for free. However, if you are an instructor wanting to request free access to consider using the test with your class or group, please follow this link.
Cultural Intelligence:
Excerpts: No part of the book may be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Citations: You do not need to ask permission for these two kinds of citations:
- Brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews (i.e. typically up to 100-word excerpts and/or one graphic, for critical review purposes, not for profit, not for use as content in any type of commercial or nonprofit training or workshop, and with a proper reference to the book’s full title, edition, author name, year of publication, and
- Student academic citations (i.e. typically up to 100-word excerpts and/or one graphic, for scholarly purposes, not for profit, not for use as content in any type of commercial or nonprofit training or workshop, and with a proper reference to the book’s full title, edition, author name, year of publication, and
Evaluation copies: I do not send out evaluation copies to professors or trainers researching the book since the book’s Amazon page gives a decent preview, and the book is relatively affordable for those considering it as a text (in both paper and ebook versions). Amazon can get a copy to you the fastest, at the best price, in many countries, and in paper or ebook format. (You can find feedback here from others who have used the book as a text.)
Résumés and proposals:
As a matter of policy, I don’t respond to unsolicited résumés or proposals.
Other questions:
If you have a technical concern, feedback, or any other question not answered above, please use the link below. The message will be forwarded to me (Brooks Peterson) and I’m always happy to respond to customers. Please allow 2-3 business days (Mon-Fri) for a response.